Everybody wishes to earn money from online. Adsense is the most reliable and common source of earning. To earn from internet, you must a site of your own. If you don't have a site, dont worry. Open a blog site. It's easy. You have to follow these steps:

1) Create your E- mail account : Go to gmail.com and open an email account.

2) Create your website: Think, about which things, you want to make web. You can create your site by wordpress or blogger. First, go to their site . Choose a domain name. Start blogging !!!

3) Design your website: Design your sites as much as you can. Then, upload your contents on your sites. Remember that, 15 contents are needed for opening adsense account. As much as pages, you create, your earnings opportunity will be increased.

4) Create Adsense Account: Apply for adsense account. Go to: www.google.com/adsense .. Then, click sign up. Fill up the application form. And then, submit it.

5) If Adsense rejects, then Re-Apply: Now, wait.. An email containing result will be sent to your mail address. If Google rejects you, don't worry. They will tell you in the mail why they have rejected you. Just re-solve the problem and re-apply.