Bidvertiser is a good alternative to Adsense. Adsense is very strict to its law. And, Adsense law is not easy. You will find difficulty from signing up at Adsense. On the other hand, Bidvertiser is easy to earn money. If your sites can't fulfill Adsense's requirements. Don't worry. Get an account with Bidvertiser.

What is Bidvertiser?

BidVertiser is a cost-per-click bidding system that allows you to advertise text ads on sites of your choice. Bidvertiser is an advertising program just like Adsense. But it's law is easier than adsense. It is the best alternative to Adsense.

Is it friendly with Adsense?

Yes, Bidvertiser is frinedly with Adsense. You can place your bidvertiser ads beside the adsense ads. There is no bindings to place ads. You may place ads as much as you want. But, it is notrecommanded to place too many ads in one page. If you do the same, you will get enough website traffic. If you click on your bidvertiser ads, you will get paid for this. But,again, you will not get paid for the click.

Ad Formats

Bidvertiser supports 5 types of ads, such as Banners, Buttons, Inline Ads, Skyscrapers and Free Design. But all types of ads are fully customized for the site's outlook. Along with the pre-configured ads, Bidvertiser gives you an opportunity to get ads designed by you with customized of sizes.

Traffic Origin

Bidvertiser allows you to display your ads on a geographic range you want to display. Just, choose your geographic targeting and show your ads on your selected area.

Payment Option

Bidvertiser will send your earnings to you by cheque 30 days or instantly by Paypal. Minimum payout for cheque is $50 and for Paypal is $10.